RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:ChiesiLol, I should hope that Chiesi knows more than I. They've been in business for almost 90 years.
I would contend that Chiesi also knows more than DrDR does. They got 4 LSDs for less than a million each and I have contended since June 29, 2020, that they got other opportunities to work with xB3 in that deal, some stuff not focused on, as the PR suggested.
DrDR's the one that sold a 20¢ stock for 5¢ with control going to private interests. Seems everybody knew how to make something of xB3 except her, unless...
So why did Chiesi "allow" Bioasis to slip away into the hands of LT and The Placee? Why not sell Bioasis to Chiesi or some other large company?
I have written about why, but I doubt that you understood what I wrote, beenthere.
Let me refresh your memory.
What if DrDR wouldn't allow any deal to take place that didn't allow xB3 to sold into private hands and then take her along for the ride?
Any company with the financial strength to buy Bioasis outright would never need to form a new company like Biodexa with 75% of that company's ownership in private hands like LT and The Placee are. That's the kind of deal that creates the possibility for a big win for DrDR.
So if DrDR wanted to be like Stagliano, she had to do a deal like this where she can follow xB3 into private hands - if that's where it goes. Also, with a deal like the current one, a terrible deal for shareholders, she nevertheless gets to set terms that could benefit herself. She could never do that in a deal where the buying company completely subsumes the target, Bioasis. The best she would get would likely be a consultant's job.
I'll leave it to you to figure out the details, beenthere.
I'm just thinking out loud about possibilities, as I always have. DrDR tried to shut me down because she didn't like how I was thinking and writing about this. But you couldn't figure out that I can't accuse her of anything. All I can do is discuss possibilities. But I did write about the possibilities and they all went right over your head, beenthere.
I need to make it clear that it would have been intellectually dishonest to call Bioasis a complete failure before now. The company kept touting deals, deals, deals. Only one good deal would have brought Bioais back to life, so with the strength of xB3, I couldn't preclude the possibility. You, beenthere, never cared about knowledge and reason. All you ever cared about was crying on here about being a victim.
We'll see which of my possibilities turn out to be true. My guess is that further deals with Chiesi/Protalix are likely as storyboard material for Biodexa, something to promote.
But what about the real value of xB3 in areas like oncology and neurodegeneration? That's what LT and The Placee may be after. Those are the blockbusters, certainly in comparison to LSDs, EGF and whatever Midatech brings to the table. And LT and The Placee control where those blockbusters go and how they'll be handled.
It could be very upsetting to watch what happens.
But then, maybe everything stays with Biodexa and you will get to sell your stock for 50¢ or a buck. I wish you good luck, beenthere.
I think it's almost certain that you will learn in strange ways just what Bioasis had and utterly failed to develop, for various reasons and failings and motives.