RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:The voteAbout zwerp2000's points and questions
Ran on fumes - Bioasis never had a preclinical/clinical program around which to raise money. Bioasis could have started these at any time in the $1 to $2 per share range. Didn't even try. That was a conscious decision by RH. I called it wrong then, even when I was working for Bioasis, and I have been right.
Hoping that somebody would buy the company - was the company ever for sale? Did management ever attempt to create a value that matched the selling price they wanted? A screaming "no" on that one.
Chiesi did nothing - well, yes, they did. They are still a ways away from FDA approval of PRX102. Would they do anything serious until they had approval of PRX102 and ProCellEx? Remember that inspection of ProCellEx facilities held back FDA approval. Did Chiesi investigate buying Bioasis but were told that Bioasis was not for outright sale to any pharma, as I have described several times? (I know you didn't read my posts, zwerp, or you didn't understand them. A full buyout by a pharma would not leave an opportunity for DrDR and DrMS to be a part of taking major xB3 opportunities private in the future. A deal of this current kind allows that.)
No progress with the pipeline - Bingo! Should have started in 2014 when the peptide was announced.
MTP isn't really buying Bioasis. LT and The Placee are essentially buying both Bioasis and Midatech. They will own over 75% of Biodexa.
The management and employees screwed around until 2016/17 when it became too late to raise money to do anything. Mark Day then reportedly had a funding cooking, but he was terminated.
What did they do to earn their salaries? They did little deals, MTAs, but may have given up 18 months or so ago.
Should Rathjen report her activities? Yes, I think so, in court. But did she have the imagination and ambition to do anything significant? No, obviously.
Irons in the fire - we'll have to watch to see if any of the Bioasis deals bear fruit with Biodexa. Did LT and The Placee demand a stand still? Would that have caused deals to be held over for Biodexa, to help float Biodexa in the market? What was the xB3-001 deal with Ellipses and why did it disappear? Will there be an xB3-001 deal in the next year? Does Biodexa get to keep enough xB3 chicken feed to get themselves fattened up?
Are there deals ready to come to fruition that do not require any more help or investment from Biodexa? Are they just waiting for this deal to get done? Could/should they have been done with Bioasis?
And how will Rathjen benefit from all of this? She, alone, may make more in the future from xB3 than all former Bioasis shareholders, combined, will make. Just speculating.
Will Biodexa survive without a selloff of xB3 programs to private interests?
Will Biodexa lose its NASDAQ listing and be taken private by angels "willing to help out" and then make billions from it? Will DrDR and DrMS go along for the ride if that happens?
The information circular takes 460 pages to tell Bioasis shareholders that they will own only 6.2% of the remaining mess.
Never, ever forget that LT and The Placee wanted xB3. People like that don't help anybody. Everything they do is for themselves. They intend to make money from xB3 and they will own over ten times as much of xB3 than Bioasis shareholders will own.
Don't ever try to tell me that xB3 is known to be worthless. Like all pharmaceutical technologies and drugs, it could fail, but these guys are buying xB3 for essentially nothing and they intend to play it for the win. An explosive win!