Mostaque reminds me of M.G.’s passion for AISame educational background, both were formerly technology hedge fund managers before becoming CEO's of AI companies (only difference is M.G. Is attached to a for profit PubCo and Mostaque is a OpenSourceer) Good for us:-) and both attesting their wish to do good for humanity with AI like M.G spoke about on the BullseyeBrief Podcast interview that Adam Johnson from NYC asked him for
While for a short time A.J. made this interview free to view, I have since discovered you now need to be a subscriber to access the vault of past interviews. Pretty interesting insights to the state of AI today , strap in , some of the stuff he talks about is mind blowing
I've speculated enough about the potential this could all mean for DM.
I suggest fellow DM'ers here give it a listen and decide for yourselves what kind of vehicle we could be strapped into here.
Here's Raul's interview with E. Mostaque