RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:GSPI get it black It must be very frustrating waving the same pom poms for the last 7 years, and nothing to show for it but reruns.......
You must be auditioning for a Trump campaign manager position with all the alternative facts in your last post. Nice work, but hey assumptions ar par for the course, eh old boy...... Keep up the great work
“16.9 Cavern Temperature Modelling
The temperature model did not incorporate the dynamic effect of dissolution, and the subsequent impact on the temperature gradient across the cavern/wellbore. Instead, a static value was used in the modelling and analysis. The team is contemplating a further modelling project, where the results from the dissolution testing (i.e., mass-transfer coefficient) can be incorporated into the temperature modelling, to better represent the dynamic nature of the dissolution process. For the time being, Gensource relies upon conservative values and assumptions similar to those used as the base case for the Vanguard One Feasibility Study.