RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:TroughPLITheOne wrote: A billion dollar lawsuit against Liminal is not frivolous!
If you are genuinely interested you can find this claim filed at the Superior Court of Quebec.
Curious, as a long time invester, who was one of the select few who would bash this stock even before witnessing Liminal's and Thomvest's unethical behavior and oppression of stockholders and obviously not part of the over 650 plaintiffs, why would you care?
As one of the idiots who rode this all the way up and all the way down, I get it. I understand the pain of those ill-equipped to bear the losses. It is not a pleasant outcome after all of the hype and promises. I note with a wry smile that the latest forecasts for new products in their early stages are very reminiscent of the rosy prospects assigned to their products of 20 years ago and more.
What I really don't understand is where the rationale for the lawsuit comes from. Whatever the size of the investor in this, everyone has lost a lot of money. I could understand it if after the small investors were busted out, the company had hit the big time, but it hasn't. It's still staggering from year to year burning up investors' money and putting out the same old "jam tomorrow" promises. Nobody is doing well from this except those drawing fat salaries over the years.