The advantages of a more poweful microscope?
The most general answer is the ability to see something the naked eye would otherwise never see. Our little friend leo might not like the employment of siimilar comparisons but, why not think back to our first engagements with Kyrio labs, and the Cablelab members themselves Did YFI not state in the padt that the found one of their biggest challenges was to convince the ISP`s through showing our tech that they now had the ability to see particular problems requiring a solution that they had never seen before? Hence, we can only surmise that because of their poor eyesight, that until shown likewise they inadvertently had been propagating this big hidden problem by continually addressing only the little problems previously beyond their scope.
We can only guess if anyone besides YFI could see this also, but it might not be so much of a guess to say that only YFI not only publicly identified the major problem, but through testing and demonstrations was willing to prove they either could eradicate, or mitigate it also.
Since principally the day YFI landed on the shores of Cablelabs there has been no major deviation to their claims, and if anything else, their story has grown and become more diverse. One of the topics this leads us to is what is stated under "Market Insights; Product Expansion Opportunities, " in their Aug 29/22 Fiscal Year 2022 Financial Results." Well worth you perusal.