RE:New Crux Interview
Fruit, thanks for letting everyone form our own opinion. Cuz I just can't see where OSK wants to sell raffle tickets to raise a BILLION DOLLARS ..but you are not so concerned. But you're Johnny on the spot awaiting the CRUX interview from last week, on a stock your don't own !! ..FUNNY !! .. Well thanks again Fruit, back to the buying board next week on BTR ..and I am gunna watch that BBB cuz its in Canada, and will be a great buying opproturnity in the low teens. ..Oh, and I lied again, I said gold was $2400 cad an ounce, WRONG !! .it's $2575 cad, last I checked this morning. But readers can be assured we are pouring gold at Bachelor, the work is and has been ongoing .the tailings pond getting the upgrade to 3600t/d, should be able to handle the 1800t/d output of the mill. Wonder when the drill results from Southern Windfall are arriving? ..Maybe it's in the posted interview of today, I will have a boo .. Thanks Fruit for letting us know, Iluv2 he beat you to the punch ..what's going on !! ...hahahaha ...