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Hudson Technologies Inc HDSN

Hudson Technologies, Inc. is a refrigerant services company. The Company provides solutions to recurring problems within the refrigeration industry. The Company provides environmentally sustainable solutions from initial sale of refrigerant gas through recovery, reclamation and reuse, peak operating performance of equipment through air conditioning and refrigeration system repair, to final refrigerant disposal and carbon credit trading. The Company’s products and services are primarily used in commercial air conditioning, industrial processing and refrigeration systems, and include refrigerant and industrial gas sales, refrigerant management services consisting primarily of reclamation of refrigerants and RefrigerantSide Services performed at a customer’s site. RefrigerantSide Services consists of system decontamination to remove moisture, oils and other contaminants intended to restore systems to designed capacity.

NDAQ:HDSN - Post by User

Post by thedave2006on Jan 16, 2023 9:07am
Post# 35225274

awaiting earnings reports

awaiting earnings reportsand more business.

been a good one from $2s.
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