This general delusion is unfortunate and will have nothing but a negative feedback loop on the CEO, the company itself and for all of us shareholders who bought into the story.
1) yes, the stock could continue to be pressured after the rollback is completed
So why do it?
2) yes, in theory, it is easier for a stock to go from $0.15 to $0.20 than from $3.00 to $4.00
So why do it?
As for 3) and 4). We are all aware of the value staying the same. Why are you talking to us like we are children and can't do simple math?
5) nothing else changes except the stock at $3 will have a chance to be listed on a US exchange and potentially find some institutional buyers that trade in micro cap companies
Is a chance and potential what you are basing your argument on? I guess I could refute that and say there is a chance and potential your stock will trade right back down to zero. And then what? Reverse the stock again as per your logic of another chance and potential???
6) insiders will still own 45% of the company, they will still have $5mm in cash and no debt
Clearly at this point...Nobody cares one bit how much stock the insiders have. The insiders won't even step up and buy stock on the open market now. Why is that? If they won't buy, why would anyone else buy the stock?
The CEO recently said without a better valuation, there is no reason to do a reverse stock split. What changed? He bought many millions of shares at 2 cents. When they bought Gambit the stock was around 29-30 cents so he clearly has lost quite a bit of wealth as well. Why would he not want to get that back before doing a reverse split? That makes no sense with many multiples easily sitting there just getting back to that point.
Whoever you are gotwins...I wish you well but I disagree with you...Doing something just for the sake of doing something is not a winning strategy. Being patient and building value is much more important than a short term stock price. The CEO said that himself...Again I ask...What changed?