Never More Confident, I Feel Like a Exro Humvee with ESS... .... can you just imagine how Sue and Darrell feels about 2023 and taking a breather from all the BS that comes with noobs, their emails, and lazy as people that don't do any ddddd ??? must be crushing to be under NDA for so long, you can just tell she wants to SCREAM out to her Flock about what she has done and will bring to her PPS....MO
.......I know John feels good after devoring his meal at he....lls kitchen...lmao...MO....( he his just riding along now, no power what so ever)
... It feels good all around on having some time off and not hearing anything form Exro..
..... Sue had to tame the bears and weak hands and noobs which she has done based on volume.................... and now put the message back on what Exro is Doing...sometimes the noise can be a driver for a company.................. Sue next Live Interview, she will be back ripping her New Goals... LMAO....MO
..... If you don't know Sue, you don't know the company and 2023 is her drop zone.....MO