Just look at this. When a person is successful in his/her investments, be it IVN or any other stocks and you have a self directed RRSP and just as an example, you have more than 2 million in it, WELLLLL, what do you think you will have to pay in taxes if you retire at 65 and DON'T want to put your money into a RIF at 71 ??? The answer is, IT DOESN'T MATTER if you do a withdrawel every year the same amount for 6 years or if you withdraw it all at once, if you are in ALBERTA, you will pay 48% YAH YOU SEE IT RIGHT 48%. So this Kim parlee or whoever on BNN tells you if you do so and so you will have tyhios much, I CALL BS. In my example you basically loose 50% of ALL your RRSP. And my bet is they only gave you a 30% return when you contributed didn't they ??? YAH THEY DID. Here is the link of what I am saying. Look at the ALberta tax and you also have to add the federal tax to get your TOTAL TAX. In my example, if you withdraw once a year with 2 million you will take out 333 thousand and that puts you in the max tax bracket.
Federal tax is 33% of taxable income of $216,512 and over
Alberta tax is 15% of taxable income of over $322,171
Here is the link and it is much worse in the other provinces especially Quebec.