Copper price going to go BALISTIC as will IVN share price.In 5 to 10 years at the most, there will NOT be one company making gas or diesel engines for cars or even medium trucks and semi trucks. I would personally NOT own an oil company again. NG is ok since we will probably need it for decades for in home heating, air cond, and to hopefully build co gens to provide power for this incredible ev and hydro electric revolution. Just look at this;|range-slider-range:prev~next=0~1200|range-slider-acceleration:prev~next=2~23|range-slider-topspeed:prev~next=110~350|range-slider-battery:prev~next=10~200|range-slider-towweight:prev~next=0~2500|range-slider-fastcharge:prev~next=0~1500|paging:currentPage=0|paging:number=9