You didn't get the Memo Golden Im here because I saw my father and others getting sucked into a complete tall tale of lies and seriously flawed Physics from a complete dunce of a PhD out of McMaster peddlling a ground debris sscanner as an FCC certified security device which was complete BS. Fast forward what happened, TMS , TMS Mobile, SDS, all the PATSCAM failures one after another.
Then what did they do, backed the exact product they slated and disparaged for years, a magnetic resonance detector. Whats more , its not even built ofr patent owned by Pat / Xtract.
The company has NOTHING and it never Did.
Now its looking at dilution to death or a door close and clowns like you are telling people its the next best thing since sliced bread.
The company was built on a lie. It remains to fail shareholders.
You keep calling it beef wellington Golden, I will remain calling it a turd on toast.
You promote the lie, I protest it, theres the logic !