RE:Here's my best i-Dialco guess The issue IS the not knowing/ guessing.
Without disclosure we do not know..
How will i-Dialco be funded? If Infomed brings on Partners or does a financing- what does that do to Spectral's percentage?
Infomed doesn’t even mention the FDA trial for DIMI. It is very conspicuously absent from their note. So what do they see as the way forward for DIMI?
Why was Infomed able to take back control of DIMI and SAMI? What contractural obligations did Spectral not meet back in June and in November?
Was Spectral’s BOD aware before the AGM that Spectral would not be able to fulfill the Infomed contractural obligations ten days later- and that the control of DIMI and SAMI were in jeparody?
If the BOD did know, did they still sign off on Spectral’s AGM presentation- Including the Dialco update titled “Perception vs. Reality”?
We were told Sam Amory would stay on to head i-Dialco- that now also looks to be untrue.
It’s time for full and honest disclosure.
Shareholders gave Spectral their money to fund DIMI and SAMI for years. Clear disclosure on what has happened to these assets is the very least of Spectral’s obligations.