RE:TSK,TSK! The bias and personal vendettas emitted by a few long term hypsters here creates such a stench of nonprofessionalism, it makes it easy to predict their real stations in life.
One loser still dreams of writing a coherent paragraph, and while waiting he has camped out 24/7 on venture bullboard forums for well over a decade. If we are to include his numerous usernames, he has been on this fourm for over 5 years. And what are his offerings? Wi-Fi expertise far superior to my own. And that doesn`t include how much smarter he is in basically everything.
Let me confirm, I am never wrong so in the spirit of fairness;
Ask Sammy to explain to you in depth what he perceives as the strength of YFI`s existing only on paper WiFi7 Evo 880 platform. Sammy refers to himself as a Wi-Fi expert so this should not be difficult for him at all considering that already has proven the time to be up to this task. Why I suggest we start with YFI`s tech is because not only is it the co.s proposed asset is invisible and should Sammy convince you that it is worth anymore than $.05, any futher arguments are for naught.
If Sammy has his own published periodicals to supprt any of his arguments, by all means invite him to share them with you. Where would you like to start? Why not ask him whether this platform, if it ever exists, does actually support the following standards: Wi-Fi7/6/5/4/3/2/1 ?
Finally a word of caution. If necessary nail his feet to the floor because his record has proven that when corned he is a little greased pig and will do aything to slip out of your hands and run and hide.
Endnote: I've never been corned. I've bean however . LOL. I'll be here all week. Try the veal.
F Sammy.