I actually Bought More Today at .31 Bargain Cents!
This was what you call the Trick-Trap-Fool & Frustrate Crew looking for Weak Hands to give away Shares at a Bargain Price.
So the Actual Total Volume was 638,882 Bought & Sold at an Acerage Price of .317 Cents!
Close to 90% of the Trade took place between 14:57 &14:58 pm today! Yes that is within 2 minutes. AGAIN AT AN AVERAGE OF .317 CENTS! Let that Sink In! The Trqde took us from .38 to .305 and The Average was .317 on this Volume!
One house (CANNACORD) Sold over 402,000 Shares and Another House (ANNONYMOUS) SOLD 156,000 Shares. And ANNONYMOUS Bought 186,000 Shares. The whole Idea is to end up with more than you Sell at the end of the day!
See for yourself by Subscribing to for a Free 30 Day Trial.You can see exactly what I am telling you here which will show you Exactly who Bought, Who Sold and Time & Volume & Price to the Penny! When you log into Stockwatch go to the Stock EDT and then click on Work Station. Pick todays Date and see it all nice & clear!
Todays Trading was a Shinanagin! To say the least!
DO NOT SELL...You will regret it THIS year when The Tigris gets to 90 Patients and IMHO the FDA gives a Full Approval! The Current Results are coming in consistently "Exceeding Expectations" The Trial recently done in Italy STRONGLY SUPPORTS The Tigres Reaults thus far! Yes the Enrolment is Slow...but there is a reason! Will not go there now!
Stay Informed and DON''T be fooled by todays action.
As I was putting in a 25,000 share Lot to Buy I was Immediately out bid by a Penny with a 60,000 share lot! I did get some but it was very difficult to Buy at .31....why? Because that's where the majority was interchanging friendly hands IMHO....of course and at an Average of .317 Cents!
I Repeat 638,882 Total Shares Traded on the TSX and The Dark Side...Pool... I mean and at an AVERAGE PRICE OF .317
I think I Made My Point!
Dont be surprised by more of this action but if you can BUY in the low 30's I think your stealing Shares!
Still REVED UP and will NOT Be Shaken! Or Tricked Or Trapped Or Fooled Or Frustrated!