RE:RE:Corporate Shake UpI will try to answer both Questions:
1) I believe drill holes have been drilled at least 1,750 m below surface. They have not released any results beneath 2,000 m below surface (see slide 28).
2) The ramp mining ramps was at actually at sub level121 on Jan 1/23. The ramp was planned to be somewhere between sub level 136-139 on Jan 1/23 according to the PFS Plan The PFS plan was completed in May 26, 2021. (see slide 14)
Quote from the Q3 release...
The ground conditions in Kiena Deep, specific to the schist and komatiite in the footwall of the A Zone remain challenging, and the equipment delays encountered earlier in the year (now received with the exception of some bolting equipment), have resulted in the development and mining rates being slower to ramp up than originally anticipated. Ramp up activities at Kiena will continue during 2023 as the development deficit incurred is being addressed.