RE:Worth the read
I think I would of given more credit to this if it had a more biased point of view. Using fully diluted amd them not mention they would owe 150 M less ? I would suggest any one who found this read professional ? Would be someone I wouldn't take advice from.
The truth is ? This is a bit more for the person who has risk tolerance. Didn't memtion share price trades at today 2.34 cents and Pro forma $80 oil not $90.
Means that potentially there is massive upside at this price , and we are hedged more than most amd this actually works in our favour if we test lower oil prices
Oil should be solid around 75 to 85. I say that because insojt see it rocketing up , more so I see things that keep it from falling to far. Russion oil coming off line. Reality about there ability now to move there product.
It's also a double edged sword the SPR release. As on the news today.
You know ? Inflation is tough , but John amd John and Justin in there postionns of John doing these deals , and Justin is the guy who takes what we have amd makes the most out of it ? Funny ? The real story here is these two guys are killing it. They are doing what it takes to be successful and what is going on is I see people missing out because they aren't named Paul or Grant Fagerhiem.
So funny ? Those guys were 40 years old once.
finally I will do the MIKE DROP. PRO FORMA $1.84 a share 2023 free funds flow. My friends we are trading at $ 2.34 cents. The synopsis was done at $80 dollar oil. He is about to go get new bank financing.
Are you a flipper or did you buy a Business. I am here and I wish I couod Work with these guys and be apart of there day to day. I say that becsause what is going on is what I did 27 years ago. John and Justin are building there company. There 40 or under and I was them 12 years ago.
I am apart of this. I am 2.17 percent not diluted . I am here becusee we are building a company.
This is still foundational. We are doing these things because they are what is needed to get proper financing.
you have to be a certain size to do bonds and other things.
so if your connected about the debt. Well , for those who like to use fully diluted when doing comparisons , then take $140 M off for those warrents. Take that off.
However the biggest thing is ? Your biggest criticism is the number 1 reason he did this deal. To get rid of the holders of the debt currently.
Go play with Whitecap. Ifs a exellent stock and you will do well. I want to be apart of something special from the beginning , and I clawed amd sctarchwd For everything I have. So when I met These guys in personnel. It takes someone who has someting to see something in someone.
I saw ! I know if we ever failed it won't be because
we didn't try. I know HUNGER WHEN I SEE IT.
GOOD LUCK LONGS. !! You will do well if oil holds on here in the long run. Very very well !!