SATURN ENERGY - COMPENSATION For the poster who was complaining about the compensation package. That was the best for the shareholders. We now have certainty ? There is no certainty in business. So when you can get something like that locked in ? The old deal ? That actually was a issue at this size of company. So they actually did the shareholders a favour .
So the silliest part of the complaint ? 1/3 divesested at $4 dollars. Yes ? 50 % upside plus ? from here ? So for them to get the first sniff of anything with all that stress is at $4 bucks. Then the next one is 50% higher and the final traunche is essentially a triple.
So for that ? All they get is 5 M and 2 M. So they create a half a billion in shareholder value ? If they do hit these targets. It's not enough !
Not for the all the naysayers and the haters not to mention pressure ? The pressure. So ?
This is okay with me. I would make 6 or 7 M if they do that. ? I think ? This is fair. ? Lol.