SATURN OIL&GAS - 5% OVERRIDING ROYALTY Another way Saturn could quickly recude debt would be to issie a 5% royalty , on the new asset, with the idea that a proper Canadian bank syndicate will take on the company's debt . With a royalty of 188 M like whitecap did woth
topez of there Sask asset. So limited to just a certain assets.
I don't think we need to do this. It's just another option. If you don't like debt. There are 7 ways to Sunday now to take care of this. I will say it again. If oil stays around here , we are excellent. If it goes down around 70. We are okay , and if we get to 90 or $100 dollar oil.
I don't look or base my numbers on higher oil I look at it as every day I am above 80 my number to break even comes down
Make us stronger