Financing As much as I hate the PP's, it sure was nice to see it fill so quickly and oversubscribed. Funny how you can sell 10 million shares outside of the exchange and then zero shares change hands the next day on the TSX-V. Might as well take the thing private, but maybe being public will change things before long. That's a subject for another day.
I picture them needing another $500-800,000 or so to keep them through the year, or through receiving the Mining licence more specifically. I'm picturing some kind of news coming and then Tim encouraging the holders of the soon expiring .075 warrants, to redeem and maybe give another warrant for down the road. Again, I despise it, but we need some cash and it gets equity in the faithfuls that have been here for years, and .075 is a lot more than .05.
I guess regardless of news, there a big wad of .075 warrants soon expiring and if need pushed the price up, some will no doubt cash in before deadline.
Maybe then we can be done with bottom barrel desperate tactics and get the share price up.
The way I picture it, if everything plays out in a positive way, we end up with a mining licence that should produce ~$100M/year, and there will be 200-225 million shares. I really like the EPS from those two numbers, any way you slice it. What was it, $1.2-1.3 billion US profit over the life of the mine?? That's like $5/share in profit/share over the life of mine. Plus there's more of it to be found, and demand on the rise potentially?
So this is all of course back of napkin calculations and just my opinion, but we are so darn close I can taste it.
One good news release with some positive word re the Mining Ministry and away we go.
Ah man, I'm ranting again!! Sorry.
Have a good day all. Thanks for throwing that by Tim there Liveit!