RE:TTM!Ok I am rather annoyed with all this bs...what the hell has our partners do for us???!! Why are we constantly going down and now sitting at the last raise price and 0 share support outside of this. Cenovus is being greedy and I am of the view despite the Trudeau government f'cking the oil and gas sector for the longest time it survived thanks to the provincial governments. I was actually very angry with Trudeau and his lack of compassion and support. Despite that the industry is flourishing and when it comes to big players they continue to screw companies like Axe. All people need to do is look to see how Prospera is going about and handling its business.
It is quite the shame what big companies do vs what the now CEO of Prospera started by and continuously has done. The big companies left the vendors and stake holders high and dry moved on when what they wanted had been served and felt there was no more gas to draw left it behind and their damn fingerprint of not caring behind and things collapsing. Mr Samuel David was called by a friend's Widow previous CEO to help turn things around. He could have gone through bankruptcy and washed his hands with the others but he did not. In fact he assessed the situation and seeing that there is enough in the wells to work with and viably pursue. What he did after seeing it is go through an aggressive restructuring bringing in all the existing vendors and stakeholders saying while we can't give you full value of where things are for the reason to have money to restructure we can give you shares in the company. Now these guys are working properly together. A .045 share price has since kept up mostly and reached .15.!!!
This here there is something harshly wrong where a lousy .40 floor can't be sustained and it is taking way too long for the workover to be done along with any lack of concrete transparency just makes me cringe at what is going on quite the night and day difference between it and Prosoera. Management and ethic transparency wise prospera is killing this company in fact it is one of the best I have ever seen gambling on stocks. I am not trying to promote it by any stretch but saying this company has a lot to be desired for and when the big guys come they f'ck things up. I don't get any sense of care for the retail shareholder but having said that I know what we hold however night and day difference between this company and Prospera. I think it is high time the big guys show they can pay not only their fair share but even more and not look for f'cking tax dollars to do so. If Prospera deals the way it is without looking for government to fork out tons of money look after their affairs these corporations need to do the same. I really was holding all thus in but I find it quite disgusting what is going on here. The juniors that are doing horizontal drilling tapping old left over wells are not making the type of noise as though they are owed as what this alliance is doing. There is an Anerucan saying ask not what your country can do for you but what you can gor the country. This is total embarrassment when you have the power to be free of government why seek corporate welfare. Even so what benefit has the retail shareholder seen here who has looked longer term and not wanting to trade? 0!!! Ridiculous that the shares are trading as low as they are. No reason for this!!!
I am sorry if we saw benefit maybe I would be in the corporate corner all we saw is price collapse one after another after another. Poorly runned so far should be very ve less than .40 yet here we are too many times track back...prospera totally having this for lunch!!! Pathetic just whine whine whine from the alliance!!! Get on with it!!!