RE:RE:No interestI am really grateful that you guys, ggrellette and Martyboss, seem to post at regular intervals on this board. Otherwise, this would be a very lonely board.
However, in your case, I will play the devil's advocate, as the one poster, who still believes in this company.
The rest of the shareholders of this company, appear to be, brain dead! Maybe more than that?
Only we three, seem to care at all!
For those waiting for a press release. Well, we got one!
The company is now spending some time, clearing pathways to two new, VMS drilling sites.
The drill bit will soon start to doing it's exploration, according to the recent announcement. Until Rockcliff becomes a miner, it remains, only an explorer.
Interest in an explorer is driven by sentiment based upon results. That is what a drilling program attempts to achieve.
We have to wait for those results. That is what is called a news event.
It drives the price higher if the results are good. If they are exceptional, well the sky is the limit.
For Rockcliff Metals, the sky in Snow Lake is blue. It is not a shadowy grey!
Smile or frown, whatever your choice, be true to yourself!
But let us know, how you feel!
All the best! Java