Oh my Goodness folks…….l.Please take a very very good look at Efixii.io in DRAFT and you will understand what is happening here.
Do not listen to the BASHERS who are all Bull shxtters and probably being paid to bash this company.
Yes, it has taken a long while and yes at the earliest days we were all Cannibis, and yes, there were some pumps and dumps BUT now we are the REAL thing.
Remember that Google Etc did not get where they are today overnight, it took time and money and look at where they are today.
We hav3 turned that corner and now once revenue hits the books which I expect to be within the next couple months, ALL HELL WILL BREAK LOOSE.
Folks take nothing from what I post, do your own DD but this is a MONSTER IN THE MAKING.
This of course is my opinion, and it is without prejudice BUT TAKE a LOOK at Efixii.io in draft and decide on your own.