When the unvaxxed speakYou should listen carefully...especially fakescience first, wasitreallyok,Gordo, thinkbig, beachbum et cetera.....a small sample of the mass formation psychosis sheeple crowd....How do you feel now ?...have your eyes opened yet ?...Pfizer just made $100 billions + thanks to spineless sheeple like you ....I'm a small fringe minority with a critical thinking brain...that's why I invested in Pyrogenesis and HPQ....and my God given immune system...that got me through the big pharma / gov't created scamdemic ....I don't want your phoney apologies....I definitely don't want your blood...or your idiot advice...don't get too excited for your heart's sake...go get a blood test , see what's in there....like the clots et cetera I warned you about in 2020.....Conspiracy theory you said !...Pure blood uncleron is always right !..cheers......