RE:A lesson for Redcoats On and on and on about interest rates, home sales, recessions, yadda, yadda, and you still don't understand that UI makes it's income from ad revenue. Yes, they're all related, as it's all about real estate. But it's like saying bus rates are up, or ridership is down, so therefore the mechanic won't get paid if the bus breaks down.
What I'm saying, is let's see what the numbers are in the next quarterly report. They've been excellent on the last two, but you've done nothing but trash talk here since well before the last one. Is the next one going to be poorer? Possibly! But possibly not. The truth is, neither of us truly know how good or bad it might be. I don't see any evidence that it'll be better than the last one, but none of the crapping you've been doing, convinces me it'll be worse. I'd be very happy with it being the same as last time. In the meanwhile, I'm quite happy to scoop what I can, whenever I can, at this bargain basement share price. My opinion is that you'd like to drive it lower.