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Patriot Battery Metals Inc T.PMET

Alternate Symbol(s):  PMETF

Patriot Battery Metals Inc. is a Canada-based hard-rock lithium exploration company focused on advancing its district-scale 100%-owned Corvette Property (424 claims totaling 21,715 ha) located in the Eeyou Istchee James Bay region of Quebec, Canada. The Corvette Property hosts the CV5 Spodumene Pegmatite. Situated within the La Grande Greenstone Belt, the Corvette Property hosts significant mineral potential over multiple deposit types. It owns 100% of a 217 km2 Corvette Property land package, covering approximately 50 km of prospective lithium pegmatite trend. Exploration of the Property has outlined three primary mineral exploration trends, crossing dominantly east-west over large portions of the Property's principal claim group: Golden Trend (gold), Maven Trend (copper, gold, silver), and CV Trend (Li-Cs-Ta Pegmatite). It also owns JBN-57 Property (39 claims, 19.95 km2, which is located nine kms south of the Trans-Taiga Road. The Property is adjacent to Patriot's Corvette Project.

TSX:PMET - Post by User

Post by safiqulislam67on Feb 01, 2023 8:29am
Post# 35258930

GEMS has historic Li values

GEMS has historic Li values Discovered during gold exploration in greenstone belt. 
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