IEA Applauds Canada’s Approach to Energy Security There's a subtle message in the IEA quote from yesterdays meeting between Canada's Minister Wilkinson and IEA's Dr Birol. Hopefully it's heeded and the resource tables get wrapped up this quarter so that action plans can be implemented this year. However,the issue I see with the Resource Table guidance is that it appears to be a plan for a plan for a plan over at least a two year period - and this is what the IEA must be alluding too. Not so sure we'll be able to depend on timely Canadian government funding at this rate - it's more likely that US DPA, some other country or some corporate entity funding comes along first.
“Amid the turmoil of the global energy crisis, Canada continues to be a bright spot in advancing the clean energy transition while supporting international energy security and paying close attention to the social and economic implications of change. But the energy world is moving fast, and for Canada to retain its leadership position it has to make sure that its own plans and actions stay ahead of the game.”