Hud Bay should stick to ManitobaWell now how are all the global deposits that HudBay just had to buy working out for them today, how is good old Manitoba working out for them in comparison, Peru will always be a problem with political unrest and thats a given , The United States ---well thats another blunder, not one ounce of ore in Approximately 15 years,they went in there with their eyes closed thinking they were going to have welcome mats out for them. Hud Bay would do well by dumping all these global assets to the first buyer , just get the hell out of those two countries and concentrate on your flagship mine Lalor and surrounding deposits. Mines near Snow Lake have financed these other fiascos. My Opinion stick with Manitoba, there's enough ore likely proven up right now between HBM and RCLF to keep Hud Bay viable and prosperous for another Hundered years.