RE:.20 today????Bentley2000 wrote: Guess we better put the peddle to the metal!!!
Any bets??
For every half cent increase of DM it appears to me that means millions of shares need to be purchased ( 4 - 8 million venture volume alone ) This does not include cross trades etc. Way to many sellers currently to have a big increase in sp in one day currently. The slow and staedy share appreciation will continue IMHO until stronger hands own the shares. I do hope DM continues with the share buy back going fwd. I like slow and steady sp increase however I would be thrilled with a big rally day that HOLDS. I am currently accumulating more DM shares buying what I can when I can. My investment horizon with DM has been extended to 2025. We have verticals just begining to crawl soon they will be walking and Ihope to sell when these verticals are running. Despite the BB amature CEO'S unrealistic overnight success it takes time to build a reputable rerliable brand and buisness. I believe we may see a move up to the TSX soon after finacials. It is my opinion that buying what you can at these levels will hopefully be a very rewarding decision. Have a great weekend all !