Winsome Financing Now that Winsome have completed the majority of their financing I expect we will finally get some news on what Winsome have planned for Case Lake. I think it is too early to expect a takeover however I do expect that Winsome will increase their share ownership and will also provide the geological manpower and resources necessary to develop a maiden resource as soon as possible. If as I suspect Winsome want to put Case Lake into production it would be a huge win for both Winsome and PWM. Very often Companies back into takeovers by firstly increasing the percentage of share ownership before they make a formal takeover. Sinomine had a very keen interest in Case Lake as does Winsome who moved very quickly to take out Sinomine after the Government insisted they sell their position, spending a full 19% of their remaiining cash to do so. Only time will tell if these puzzle pieces actually go together to complete the puzzle. I expect PWM and Winsome shareholders will not have to wait much longer to see the Case Lake plans for 2023.