Investment - Double edge sword for Shareholders This certainly is an EXCELLENT achievement by PE to keep the company going, and he 100% does deserve credit for this. Bravo !
However this is an investment that will at current burn rates see the Company into the late summer.
The issue at hand is discounted shares are not going to do any favors in the coming days unless the dumb dumbs think its going to rocket and start buying. That warrant is with a few pumps and a squirt of news are also well within the realms of a quick win. The Warrants are without doubt the salvation for some shareholders , because for them to be worth the effort , this needs to trade at 0.70 or above .
The company now has a shareholder that will creep into the 10% ownership status and thay will no doubt scare off potential institutional lenders.
That said this iMHO is a GOOD DAY for XTRACT / PATSCAM.
Too bad the company was built on a Pack of Lies !