Bigbuck PostI picked up my iPad this morning and when I opened it I read a post by Bigbuck at the other site about a Q&A session he had with Elmer. I must have opened the post just before I closed my iPad and went to sleep and it was there for me to read first up this morning. The subject of the post was a hard hitting interview Elmer that asked some pretty direct questions. It was real good stuff.
What was weird about it was when I went back to the main board the post seemed to have disappeared. I have no explanation about what happened other than to assume the post was deleted.
Yet more supporting evidence in my belief that the other board is monitored and edited by the COpperfox and it does leave wonder to wonder if the other site is entirely their construction. I'm not sure which posters may be their agents but I believe some of them are.
The foregoing is pure speculation on my part but my past experiences and other observations at the others site certainly support my hypothesis
best regards