Break This Glass Ceiling on BOD, Pamela Fletcher, Mary Barra... need to be on.... those old farts now on are doing nothing unless we have a Major Contract with 1 of their connections on March 1...kick them OUT....MOO
... look at what Livio has already done, Exro needs doers, not what I did 20 Years ago..... Sue is on a MIssion, Give her some D,,,,,,AM Help.... and take the ESS side out of her things to do....MO
..... I have 100 examples on how a company like Exro needs to mix it up with OLd Farts on the BOD..... what have they done....Squat....MOO....What the Heck has Rod Done..........????? MOO.... Clean house and Get the CEO for the ESS done ASAP and get on NSADAQ... if those that are worried......then SELL....MOO..
you just don't get it.....I will explain later on a 1st market entry that hangs around and then end up being just another business in the should have, could have.......MOO