RE:👽TCS wins deal to be strategic partner with BBDOne of the things that I have been concerned about with the progress of BBD and the plan to 2025 is the "then what" aspect. After they drive down the debt and get past all the ramp-up on the service centers and the toronto production facility, they will need continue on a revenue growth trajectory. We have already seen that commercial jets is not the answer because government funded Boeing and Airbus will make that impossible. Similary, the train devision was not the solution because the competition was the Chinese government and there is no way to win against that.
So, this story tells me that management is also focused on how to keep the growth curve positive. Driving innovation is what is going to improve margins and create opportunties for further product development. It takes a lot of work and a long time to get an organization as large as BBD to change telechnology/systems. Glad to see they are working on that now!