General school of thoughtbelieves that it takes 7 years for newstart businesses to become profitable.
Time's up Tinley.
I felt that thc and hemp beverages were going to be gamechangers and I put my money where my mouth was and invested in 3 of them with Tinley being one that I had high hopes for.
When Constellation STZ coughed up $5 billion Canadian for a good chunk of Canopy Growth, I figured they were future planning for the losses they anticipated for their soft alcohol business.
Right about that time Canopy's marketcap flirted with Constellation's which made me believe that they were on the right track and so was I.
I didn't anticipate the foot draggin' and time delay to get the politicians, lawmakers and acvocates synced up for success in a reasonable time.
Canada dropped the ball with their delays and the US needs a lot of syncing up to happen to really be considered a new legal vice.
Of course there is probably a certain amount of resistance from beverage alcohol to embracing the new vice because it promises to be a formidable sku that will steal marketshare from the beer makers and such.
Never the less they all followed suit with Constellation and did their due diligence and made their own investments in like minded cannabinoid beverage companies, although they seem to be waiting for better legislation to success with a new beverage vice.
Tinley got my attention by being a new startup with a bunch of beverage expertise of notoriety ramrodding and they chose California for all of the good reasons for Cali to be a successful marketplace for a new launch. Cali was one of the first to legalize pharma pot and has a great concetrated market the size of Canada and also legalized rec use for adults.
Sadly, despite everything seemingly coming together including our own bottling facility promise for a second line of secure income from co-bottling.
All of that seems to be changing since Blaze backed us with financing which suggests that we are going backwards with our original idea of developing a beverage sku line containing cannabinoids.
Don't know where our Beckett's line is going or gone but it looks like our co-bottling is getting hijacked over to Blaze in their new facility that is going to house our state of the art bottling line on some kind of convoluted deal that I don't see much sunshine in for commonshareholders of Tinley.
Fact is that there has been a lot of sunshine, mostly blown up our azz. Our team has fumbled a great idea and headstart and/or had an un-natural amount of bad luck that has led us to where we are today, which is sadly uninformed.
Right now I would take the good old Hemplify days and the $2 shareprice for a cbd line of beverages which have to be more easily marketed Stateside by the fact that they can cross Statelines.
I hope that the US politicians will get it together to give a lift to the cannabinoid business and still feel strongly that infused beverages are going to be huge moneymakers in the future.
glta and dyodd