EQUIPMENT IN PLACE PREPARING FOR....................SO, we have the necessary equipment, lets give market somehing to cheer about. ART, SHOW US THE MONEY. CASH FLOW will be comsistent with previous wells?? WHAT is the next step in drilling ? THIS is the TURNING POINT, NO MORE DELAYS, PREPARING FOR NEW HIGHS, .45 CENTS THIS WEEK. Lots of volume, good sign. Patience and accumulate, thats my message. If all the numbers are close to being accurate, THIS WILL BE A COMPANY GAME CHANGER. The 1.50$$$$ is very low, year end price 5.00 $$$. FUND MGRS. are taking notice. Having a partner, TURKISH govt. is very rewarding, MOVES things along quicker. WE are SITTING ON A OCEAN OF GAS, AS PER, ERDOGAN. we will always find gas, matter of what degree, OR how many , MCF/D .LOAD UP THE TRUCK.