It's finally dawningOn you rubes RT will string Casino along until share price cut 60-70% from here and offer a compelling, immediate value add premium of 20....maybe 25%. Are you finally realizing to follow what Paul DOES rather than what he SAYS? LOL, great asset, we LOVE being in the Yukon. That's him telling you he's gonna ride this gravy train for years to come. And here you all are, arguing whether Paul is stunning & brave for seling free shares to exercise options you allow him to have, or whether he should go down with the ship. And it's indeed going down. For now, I'll enjoy watching this wealth transfer from you to Paul and rest of Casino management. Annual options grant should be coming up in the next couple weeks. How many are they giving themselves this time???? Cutting the meat a little thinner. For you. Not for them, they'll be just fine. It's close, but this might be the weakest group of baggies I've seen. Sheep. Baaaa baaaa.