Yup DSO And North West Passage Open =GAME CHANGER . One reason I like Martins numbers and yes we have owned stocks on a few boards over the years is because his numbers are conservative . Low end of the scale . Nothing crazy just uses the numbers availiable and crunches them just like the cruncher will do with the huge tons of Copper and Zinc on Somerset Island= as per Martin hundreds of millions $$$$$ . There is a reason both AW and BAY are starting early and in March this year . MONEY . DSO . Yup DSO is going to be a huge money maker and will feed all other projecst and why the AW presentation was front loaded with STORM info . I urge all newbies and hey longs to read Martins post again and wrap your brain around the numbers and huge risk/reward that the Bay st wolfs and there games are trying to keep for themselves . More shares we have less for them and their games . Long Bay.