pumpers and dumpers and people looking to actually investI was recommended ft by a friend. I was told how its right there from a development/producer point of view.
What I have experience- I have followed ft for over 5 years- and invested about a year ago. I thought the last run would have held- but not so much now.
All cobalt jr's are getting hammered.
That aside this board is full of pumpers- not trying to offend- but if anyone is taking investment advice from here without their own due diligence is asking for losses. Please listen to this from Rick rule- a well respected mining investor- go to the value trap portion at the beginning.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJ2umglai24 Sound familiar? LOL
I'd recommend looking at a corporations financial statements- they have all you need to know. Also- look at the company’s published news releases.
If I do that and reflect on FT and look at their corporate presentation I am led to believe the company is rather ahead- but its not.
There is no indication that shify eyes RG (as im told- full disclosure I haven't met the man that has eroded massive amounts of capital) is truly trying to developed this thing. I know another shareholder who simply asked if they would consider lobbying the federal government- he couldn’t even directly address the question.
Where does that leave people who are still holding RG's pension/lively hood- well all I can say is if RG is serious about moving this forward- he would do what his successful peers have done- lobby the government and get a handle on the tlicho relations- absent that you will continue to see bs spewed all over this board about the macro- macro long term is good and remains unchanged- but has nothing to do with little ol FT.
Frustration is a word you can use to describe ft- Im not using this to vent- I purchased the shares so I will take the losses (or gains) when I find it feasible. I am posting this as a warning to anyone considering ft- RG can do the song and dance but when it comes to actually producing anything- he is on his way to retirement- all the glorious years of bleeding shareholders who have been long and getting f***** but his BS and the shite posters here. Anyone can participate in the conversation- tell me where I’m wrong- you actually thing a guy who is about to be in retirement age (if not already) is actually about to be the ceo of a producing mine- likely not. Buy out target likely.
Wake up everyone- make up your own mind- hold this if you think a buy out is immanent- but if you think he will develop this…ahahaha laughable.
Your better off cutting your losses and looking at other in the space who have been beaten down but WILL produce something in the next 2 years.