PMET & ALLKEM have de-risked James Bay for BRWThe James Bay Lithium property which BRW will begin to drill shortly has been DE-RISKED for us by both PMET and Allkem.
Allkem de-risked our property which we border with them.
Allkem drilled up to our border and found commerical grade lithium. They approached Ossiko to obtain our land but were too late, we beat them to it.
There are no border services (like countries) between the Allkem land and the BRW land so it is reasonable to conclude that if commerical grade lithium was found up to our border, that it would cross the border into our land. Seems like an automatic to me.
Then we have PMET which has drilled from East to West on their property and, they conclude that commerical grade lithium continues 15 km west. If we draw a line 15 km west on James Bay from PMET, we end up on Plex property which is BRW land. Plex already has historical drilling from gold companies showing 174 meters of lithium. Once more this seems to be an automatic for us.
Then we must not forget that sit across from PMET and, that the massive findings of PMET could very well sit also across there property, which is BRW land.
On James Bay alone we have three (3) possible, almost assured hits, of commerical lithium
If we value each at $ 2 billion like PMET, we are speaking of $ 6 billion possible valuation.
I have left out Hearst, Sasketewan, Manitoba, Nova Scotia, etc....