RE:RE:RE:God Morgon!! from the Peaks of the MatterhornFrom above, Poet looks green below. That would be the normal view from atop the Matterhorn.
$5.710.11 | 1.96%
What you post about maestrodrumble doesn't matter. You post to daytrade and you think it should effect someone like me who does not daytrade. For the past 20 years, I've been trying to convey to you that we are not on the same page and you, unfortunately, have squandered a lot of your time bullying me with your alias co-posters. Quit the charade. Shush and trade if you must and leave me outta you dialogue, k?
Poet's been up the past two days while you called it wrong. Life must be hard as a despondent daytrader, eh?