Today's FinancialsA lot of projects on the plate. And a lot of number crunching in today's financials. I assume the gain on derivatives is still unrealized, but reflects fair value change.
Tough for stock analysts to predict changes in derivative values and probably explains why the big disconnect between 45 cents of 4Q 2021 and $1.12 now
Don't know how the stock price will react. New revenue streams still a few years away.
Selldowns will continue. Currently, the Company has two sell-downs in progress
and expects to launch more processes in 2023.
I assume that the upcoming federal tax credit for new investments in Canada can be applied to all worldwide income and not specifically to the Canadian projects. Will improve cash flow numbers.
If talking green hydrogen/ammonia and offshore wind in Canada, that's big money involved. Many billions Northland will have to invest. 30-40% tax credit will go a long way on the financial statements of the future.
I will tune in into the listen in webcast today to see what else may be coming.