Psychic now? Shares outstanding at December 31, 2022 ? Amazing. Hasn't been reported yet so nobody knows the actual number. For a guy that claims to place such importance on FACTS, you very easily ignore them, make them up, twist them, or just get them WRONG. 2022 annual and Q4 results, the deadline with the regulators is not until May 1 for all venture listed companies, March 31 for the TSX "big board". Last year they reported year end and Q4 on March 31, so you can expect nothing until AT LEAST then. I'd be surprised if they take it to the May 1 deadline. By the way, Q1 2023, for the quarter ended March 31, the deadline is May 30 for Venture companies, and lines up with their Q1 report last year. Can you tell I used to be an accountant? It's okay, I'm feeling better now.