RE:I Like this Company - BUT Schocor ...
You got the name right, it's a Goodman company.
You don't buy one of these to play the stock price movement because there isn't any in the early years.
You don't buy it for excitement - because - there isn't any in the early years.
You don't anticipate stock price appreciation because you'll be wrong.
You have to understand this stock is held (the opposite of) widely.
There is only one way to play this company successfully - and even that is boring - but it works.
Remember ... something like 65 people own 70% of the business.
How exciting is that ?
It's a drug reseller with extras - in a foriegn land.
How interesting is that ?
Even having $800 MM in the bank wasn't really exciting for investors.
Fact is ... with this one ... you will wait. So, what do you do while you wait ?
It's so simple that it isn't of interest to anyone in these early days ... and that's the way I like it.
It isn't that they've upset investors - because they don't have many.
Unsuspecting transients have been hurt ... those who don't understand the business and the approach.
Did they upset hopefuls who thought a bunch of new and exciting things were going to be done with $800 MM? yes.
So ... this company is right on track. Perfectly ... on track. That is very scary to many investors. They don't understand or care for this business - or - for Goodman. That's fine as well.