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Sidus Space Inc SIDU

Sidus Space, Inc. is a multi-faceted Space and Data-as-a-Service satellite company. The Company is focused on mission-critical hardware manufacturing; multi-disciplinary engineering services, such as satellite design, production, launch planning, mission operations; and in-orbit support. Its products and services are offered through its four business units: Space and Defense Hardware Manufacturing, Satellite Manufacturing and Payload Integration, Space-Based Data Solutions, and Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning (AI/ML) Products and Services to support customers from concept to Low Earth Orbit and beyond. Its Space-Infrastructure-as-a-Service offers plans to provide satellite design, satellite manufacture, constellation operations, and payload hosting. The Company operates from a 35,000-square-foot manufacturing, assembly, integration, and testing facility focused on vertically integrated Space-as-a-Service solutions including end-to-end satellite support.

NDAQ:SIDU - Post by User

Post by thedave2006on Feb 27, 2023 3:43pm
Post# 35307962

possible NASA contract

possible NASA contractas per site?
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