Lithium seems to be the next sector to BANG!,.. Will be interesting to see how AMS rides it. Would be nice to see them engineer some support. There is still a lot to learn about Iron Forge and their Nevada property. They could be sitting on a lot of information the market might want to feed on.. looking at others in the space you can clearly see a positive trend establishing.. Iron Forge might be further along then we suspect and maybe it has Rich pockets of lithium. We just don't know. This is positioned better then it ever has been in terms of a legitimate holding. Personally I'm down a ton but I'm excited to see where the next news cycle take this. I expect news at some point and more appointees to the board, Clarity on the holdings.. let's not forget With the bulk of investors in red and it must be 90% or better, any good news won't take much to get this over or into dollar land. Once dollar land hits I can see some exit but even at 1$ i would wager most still site red. Will there be profits for the longs? Time will tell, But We all know this!!!! Lithium is hot and sector seems unable to meet demands. An extended bull run for lithium is materializing. Can the alcheMESS become the alchemBEST! Lol great luck to all