Other Production OptionsWe all know that Peranghi has had extensive exploration and development activities over the past 4-5 years .
Grade control has been completed on four open pits and mining benches have been configured.
Peranghi remains open at strike to the North and at below the pits oxide floor.
Bulk mining of the open pits has confirmed above average grades,more than meeting economic mining
requirements .
The problem with mining these oxide pits is that the upstream mining capacity...crushing, grinding etc ..is fully engaged by processing sulphides for the Floatation plant.
Which means that the oxide mill will remain under care and maintence.
Its my understanding that once the FP begins generating free cash flows, the upstream ore processing
operations will be expanded such that separate crushing and grinding circuits will be added to permit Peranghi oxide ore to be processed through our oxide mill.
Add maybe 25,000- 30,000 cheap ounces of oxide bullion....