RE:RE:RE:RE:under 8 Before March 20th. ETF's that rebal in accordance with an index based on rules (not actively managed) are forced to buy and sell positions when stocks are added/removed from the index that they track.
for example XRE tracks the real estate component of the TSX, it has $1.15B net assets and Artis represents 1.5% as at March 6. Before March 20th, the fund MUST dump ALL its Artis holdings ($17.25M) in order to conform with the index in which it is designed to track. And it will do so at the exact time the index makes the change in order to attempt to perfectly reflect the index's performance (for good or bad).
You may have seen this recently with Tesla - first thing that comes to mind when I think of a major add or removal into the S&P500. Keep in mind, the smaller the add/removal, the less of a wave it makes. Note Artis is the smallest holding in XRE.
But moving forward, Artis will no longer receive passive inflows of demand for its units. This because most investors don't pick individual stocks. Therefore, when someone simply bought the XRE rather than REITs directly, a part of that money went to buy Artis. This passive inflow will no longer exiest post removal from the index. This is very, very negative for unit price given that unit price is simply where supply meets demand.
as I've said before, in events such as this - humans frontrun the algos, then the algos do their thing regardless of price or momentum simply because they have to follow their rules. Said more plainly, I know someone has to sell, so before they do, I sell (pushing down the price), knowing they have to sell at a lower price after me (creating more downward pressure). As the seller frontrunning the algo, I'm not worried about getting back my position because I know there is forced seller who will sell into the downward pressure at the moment of index removal - at which point I buy my position back cheaper than what I sold it.
I hope that helps bro. All that said, I'm not selling or trying to arb Artis to the downside (because I am long the security and don't play games with my core holdings). The recent news that insiders are buying and the NCIB showed signs of life - gives me fuel to be cautiously optimistic about Artis at this level, knowing full well I may get an opportunity to buy lower (bids are already set). Very, very long-term investment thesis when it comes to REITs (you should hear me rant about the 10+ year options in H&R lmao).