Clearwater and other major holdersTrying to see who are the other major holders of Sherritt and only find something like 10 million shares or around 2.5% of holdings befor Clearwater disclosure.
Anybody have different data ? The board HR committee claims to have reach 36% of total votes or 20 shareholders in 2021. So there must be more. But, nobody with a huge position like Clearwater.
Having Clearwater disclosing now a 10%+ is a huge positive. This will attract more interest in Sherrit from other institutions/investors. And with their track record, current investors should be happy to see their ownership validated. Hey, these guy either go long or short. And they like complicated stories.
And, they are not afraid to go activist. Would not be surprised to see them ask for one or 2 board seat pretty soon. I like what Binedell is doing but having these guys in will accellerate the strategy and get them more creative.